Get to know us

Since 1989, we came together as a group of different faiths and religious backgrounds to contribute to the promotion of mutual respect and understanding between faith communities and aim to respond to the new & changing ethnic and faith mix of population in York.
We meet on a monthly basis (1st Tuesday of every month), where we discuss different intellectual topic every time. We also have a week full of daily events (Interfaith Week) in November every year. Below, you can meet the team, and read our statement.

Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. We are currently made of various faith groups.

Dr Rory Allen (Christian Humanist)


Tina Funnell (Christian)
Dee Boyle (Unitarian-Buddhist-Pagan)

Vice Chair

Penny Coppin Siddall (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)


Sarah Hubbard (Jewish)

Dr Varsha Gulati (Hindu)

Dr Rasha Salah El-Din (Muslim)

Press and Publicity Officer

Prof Avtar Matharu (Sikh)


Mahmood Foroughi (Bahá’í Faith)

Interfaith Statement for the Millennium

We commit ourselves,
as people of many faiths,
to work together
for the common good,
uniting to build a better society,
grounded in values and ideals we share:

personal integrity,
a sense of right and wrong,
learning, wisdom and love of truth,

care and compassion,
justice and peace,
respect for one another,
for the earth and its creatures.

We commit ourselves,
in a spirit of friendship and co-operation,
to work together
alongside all who share our values and ideals,
to help bring about a better world
now and for generations to come.